In [1]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import hvplot.pandas

In [2]:
pd.options.display.max_columns = 999
In [3]:
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10,6)

Lecture 12A: Predictive Modeling Part 2

Nov 22, 2021

Meet "Billie"

  • Sybil "Billie" Juliette Hand was born last Tuesday!
  • Mom and baby are doing very well!


  • HW #6 (last optional HW) due on Wednesday
  • Important: No class on Wednesday due to Thanksgiving holiday
  • HW #7 (required) will be posted a week from today 11/29, due on Monday 12/06
    • Includes final project proposal
    • Predictive modeling of housing prices in Philadelphia
  • Final project due on December 20

This week: Predictive modeling continued

Focus: much more hands-on experience with featuring engineering and adding spatial based features

  • Part 1: Housing price modeling continued
  • Part 2: Predicting bikeshare demand in Philadelphia

Last time

  • An introduction to supervised learning and regression with scikit learn
  • Example: modeling housing prices in Philadelphia
  • Key concepts:
    • Linear regression
    • Ridge regression with regularization
    • Test/train split and $k$-fold cross validation
    • Feature engineering
      • Scaling input features
      • Adding polynomial features
      • One-hot encoding + categorical variables
    • Decision trees and random forests

First, let's setup all of the imports we'll need from scikit learn:

In [4]:
# Models
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

# Model selection
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score, GridSearchCV

# Pipelines
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline

# Preprocessing
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, PolynomialFeatures

Review: Predicting housing prices in Philadelphia

Load data from the Office of Property Assessment

Let's download data for single-family properties in Philadelphia that had their last sale during 2019.


In [5]:
import carto2gpd
In [6]:
# the CARTO API url
carto_url = ""

# The table name
table_name = "opa_properties_public"

# Only pull 2019 sales for single family residential properties
where = "sale_date >= '2019-01-01' AND sale_date < '2020-01-01'" 
where = where + " AND category_code_description = 'Single Family'"

# Run the query
salesRaw = carto2gpd.get(carto_url, table_name, where=where)

# Optional: put it a reproducible order for test/training splits later
salesRaw = salesRaw.sort_values("parcel_number")
In [7]:
geometry cartodb_id assessment_date basements beginning_point book_and_page building_code building_code_description category_code category_code_description census_tract central_air cross_reference date_exterior_condition depth exempt_building exempt_land exterior_condition fireplaces frontage fuel garage_spaces garage_type general_construction geographic_ward homestead_exemption house_extension house_number interior_condition location mailing_address_1 mailing_address_2 mailing_care_of mailing_city_state mailing_street mailing_zip market_value market_value_date number_of_bathrooms number_of_bedrooms number_of_rooms number_stories off_street_open other_building owner_1 owner_2 parcel_number parcel_shape quality_grade recording_date registry_number sale_date sale_price separate_utilities sewer site_type state_code street_code street_designation street_direction street_name suffix taxable_building taxable_land topography total_area total_livable_area type_heater unfinished unit utility view_type year_built year_built_estimate zip_code zoning pwd_parcel_id pin objectid
8627 POINT (-75.14854 39.93144) 247087 None 0 54'7" E OF AMERICAN 3547465 R30 ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY 1 Single Family 27 Y None None 90.00 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 18.03 None 1.0 A A 1 0.0 None 222 4 222 WHARTON ST None None None SOUDERTON PA 135 NORFOLK CT 18964 249400.0 None 2.0 3.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 None CARROLL PATRICK J CARROLL JULIA ANN 011001660 E None 2019-08-06T00:00:00Z 009S170309 2019-07-17T00:00:00Z 340000.0 None None A 1001 82740 ST None WHARTON None 184058.0 65342.0 F 1622.70 1266.0 A None None None I 1960 Y 19147 RSA5 None 1001563091 33975883
12658 POINT (-75.14927 39.93033) 300998 None D 182'11" W PHILIP 3527524 O50 ROW 3 STY MASONRY 1 Single Family 27 Y None None 48.00 45000.0 0.0 2 0.0 15.41 None 0.0 0 A 1 45000.0 None 236 2 236 REED ST None None None None None None 343100.0 None 1.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 0.0 None GOSS ADAM M GOSS SARA L 011013000 E None 2019-06-19T00:00:00Z 010S110184 2019-05-17T00:00:00Z 397500.0 None None None 1001 67780 ST None REED None 212703.0 85397.0 F 739.68 1436.0 A None None None I 1920 None 19147 RSA5 None 1001442246 34028339
7859 POINT (-75.14876 39.93011) 241781 None A 28 FT W PHILIP 3534307 O30 ROW 2 STY MASONRY 1 Single Family 27 Y None None 39.00 172346.0 0.0 2 0.0 14.00 None 0.0 0 A 1 0.0 None 205 2 205 GERRITT ST None None None None None None 282200.0 None 1.0 3.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 None PLATT JACOB None 011013900 E None 2019-07-05T00:00:00Z 010S110173 2019-06-06T00:00:00Z 285000.0 None None A 1001 36680 ST None GERRITT None 39614.0 70240.0 F 546.00 868.0 A None None None I 1920 Y 19147 RSA5 None 1001238773 33967156
11037 POINT (-75.14886 39.93012) 282260 None C 56 FT W PHILIP 3465875 O30 ROW 2 STY MASONRY 1 Single Family 27 N None None 39.00 100900.0 0.0 4 0.0 14.00 None 0.0 0 A 1 0.0 None 209 4 209 GERRITT ST None None None None None None 186400.0 None 1.0 3.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 None DEMCHUK JOHN C DEMCHUK TRACY A 011014100 E None 2019-01-15T00:00:00Z 010S110171 2019-01-08T00:00:00Z 3.0 None None A 1001 36680 ST None GERRITT None 36663.0 48837.0 F 546.00 1008.0 A None None None I 1920 Y 19147 RSA5 None 1001238777 33995052
15132 POINT (-75.14852 39.92954) 355648 None D 55' W 2ND ST 3518461 O30 ROW 2 STY MASONRY 1 Single Family 27 N None None 45.58 45000.0 0.0 3 0.0 15.00 None 0.0 0 A 1 45000.0 None 203 3 203 WILDER ST None None None None None None 209200.0 None 1.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 None TESTA AMY None 011020000 E None 2019-05-30T00:00:00Z 010S110168 2019-05-28T00:00:00Z 277500.0 None None A 1001 83180 ST None WILDER None 109390.0 54810.0 F 683.70 890.0 H None None None I 1920 None 19147 RSA5 None 1001566428 34084401
In [8]:
In [9]:
# The feature columns we want to use
cols = [

# Trim to these columns and remove NaNs
sales = salesRaw[cols].dropna()

# Trim zip code to only the first five digits
sales['zip_code'] = sales['zip_code'].astype(str).str.slice(0, 5)
In [10]:
# Trim very low and very high sales
valid = (sales['sale_price'] > 3000) & (sales['sale_price'] < 1e6)
sales = sales.loc[valid]
In [11]:

Let's focus on numerical features only first

In [12]:
# Split the data 70/30
train_set, test_set = train_test_split(sales, 

# the target labels: log of sale price
y_train = np.log(train_set["sale_price"])
y_test = np.log(test_set["sale_price"])

# The features
feature_cols = [
X_train = train_set[feature_cols].values
X_test = test_set[feature_cols].values

Run a linear regression model as a baseline:

In [13]:
# Make a linear model pipeline
linear_pipeline = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), LinearRegression())

# Fit on the training data, y_train)

# What's the test score?
linear_pipeline.score(X_test, y_test)

Run cross-validation on a random forest model:

In [14]:
# Make a random forest pipeline
forest_pipeline = make_pipeline(
    StandardScaler(), RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, random_state=42)

# Run the 10-fold cross validation
scores = cross_val_score(

# Report
print("R^2 scores = ", scores)
print("Scores mean = ", scores.mean())
print("Score std dev = ", scores.std())
R^2 scores =  [0.28960133 0.27958585 0.24986232 0.30276689 0.31876845 0.34558737
 0.29049256 0.26469219 0.34601681 0.35710264]
Scores mean =  0.304447640473661
Score std dev =  0.034632716257256356
In [15]:
# Fit on the training data, y_train)

# What's the test score?
forest_pipeline.score(X_test, y_test)

Test score improved!

The model appears to generalize reasonably well

Note: we should also be optimizing hyperparameters to see if we can find additional improvements!

Which variables were most important?

In [16]:
# Extract the regressor from the pipeline
forest_model = forest_pipeline["randomforestregressor"]
In [17]:
# Create the data frame of importances
importance = pd.DataFrame(
    {"Feature": feature_cols, "Importance": forest_model.feature_importances_}

importance.hvplot.barh(x="Feature", y="Importance")

On to new material...

How to handle categorical data?

We can use a technique called one-hot encoding


  • Create a new column for each category
  • Represent each category as a vector of 1s and 0s

One-hot encoding in scikit learn

  • The OneHotEncoder object is a preprocessor that will perform the vectorization step
  • The ColumnTransformer object will help us apply different transformers to numerical and categorical columns
In [18]:
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder

Let's try out the example data of colors:

In [19]:
# Example data of colors
colors = np.array(["red", "green", "blue", "red"])
colors = colors[:, np.newaxis]
In [20]:
(4, 1)
In [21]:
       ['red']], dtype='<U5')
In [22]:
# Initialize the OHE transformer
ohe = OneHotEncoder()

# Fit the transformer and then transform the colors 
array([[0., 0., 1.],
       [0., 1., 0.],
       [1., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 1.]])
In [23]:
# The corresponding category for each column
[array(['blue', 'green', 'red'], dtype='<U5')]

Let's apply separate transformers for our numerical and categorical columns:

In [24]:
# Numerical columns
num_cols = [

# Categorical columns
cat_cols = ["exterior_condition", "zip_code"]
In [25]:
# Set up the column transformer with two transformers
# ----> Scale the numerical columns
# ----> One-hot encode the categorical columns

transformer = ColumnTransformer(
        ("num", StandardScaler(), num_cols),
        ("cat", OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown="ignore"), cat_cols),

Note: the handle_unknown='ignore' parameter ensures that if categories show up in our training set, but not our test set, no error will be raised.

Initialize the pipeline object, using the column transformer and the random forest regressor

In [26]:
# Initialize the pipeline
# NOTE: only use 10 estimators here so it will run in a reasonable time
pipe = make_pipeline(
    transformer, RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=10, 

Now, let's fit the model.


  • You must pass in the full training set and test set DataFrames: train_set and test_set
  • No need to create the X_train and X_test numpy arrays.
  • We told scikit learn which column strings to extract in the ColumnTransformer, so it needs the DataFrame with named columns.
In [27]:
# Fit the training set, y_train);
In [28]:
# What's the test score?
pipe.score(test_set, y_test)

Substantial improvement on test set when including ZIP codes

$R^2$ of ~0.30 improved to $R^2$ of ~0.56!

Takeaway: neighborhood based effects play a crucial role in determining housing prices.

Side Note: to fully validate the model we should run $k$-fold cross validation and optimize hyperparameters of the model as well...

This will be part of assignment #7

But how crucial? Let's plot the importances

But first, we need to know the column names! The one-hot encoder created a column for each category type...

In [29]:
# The column transformer...
ColumnTransformer(transformers=[('num', StandardScaler(),
                                 ['total_livable_area', 'total_area',
                                  'garage_spaces', 'fireplaces',
                                  'number_of_bathrooms', 'number_of_bedrooms',
                                ('cat', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'),
                                 ['exterior_condition', 'zip_code'])])
In [30]:
# The steps in the column transformer
{'num': StandardScaler(),
 'cat': OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'),
 'remainder': 'drop'}
In [31]:
# The one-hot step
ohe = transformer.named_transformers_['cat']

In [32]:
# One column for each category type!
ohe_cols = ohe.get_feature_names()

array(['x0_0', 'x0_1', 'x0_2', 'x0_3', 'x0_4', 'x0_5', 'x0_6', 'x0_7',
       'x1_19102', 'x1_19103', 'x1_19104', 'x1_19106', 'x1_19107',
       'x1_19111', 'x1_19114', 'x1_19115', 'x1_19116', 'x1_19118',
       'x1_19119', 'x1_19120', 'x1_19121', 'x1_19122', 'x1_19123',
       'x1_19124', 'x1_19125', 'x1_19126', 'x1_19127', 'x1_19128',
       'x1_19129', 'x1_19130', 'x1_19131', 'x1_19132', 'x1_19133',
       'x1_19134', 'x1_19135', 'x1_19136', 'x1_19137', 'x1_19138',
       'x1_19139', 'x1_19140', 'x1_19141', 'x1_19142', 'x1_19143',
       'x1_19144', 'x1_19145', 'x1_19146', 'x1_19147', 'x1_19148',
       'x1_19149', 'x1_19150', 'x1_19151', 'x1_19152', 'x1_19153',
       'x1_19154'], dtype=object)
In [33]:
# Full list of columns is numerical + one-hot 
features = num_cols + list(ohe_cols)

In [34]:
random_forest = pipe["randomforestregressor"]

# Create the dataframe with importances
importance = pd.DataFrame(
    {"Feature": features, "Importance": random_forest.feature_importances_}
In [35]:
Feature Importance
0 total_livable_area 0.154344
1 total_area 0.180252
2 garage_spaces 0.010738
3 fireplaces 0.002819
4 number_of_bathrooms 0.168111
5 number_of_bedrooms 0.019731
6 number_stories 0.018667
7 x0_0 0.000426
8 x0_1 0.003582
9 x0_2 0.018840
10 x0_3 0.024412
11 x0_4 0.010647
12 x0_5 0.006662
13 x0_6 0.004791
14 x0_7 0.020256
15 x1_19102 0.001442
16 x1_19103 0.003357
17 x1_19104 0.003692
18 x1_19106 0.003329
19 x1_19107 0.001319
In [36]:
# Sort by importance and get the top 30
importance = importance.sort_values("Importance", ascending=False).iloc[:30]

# Plot
importance.hvplot.barh(x="Feature", y="Importance", height=700, flip_yaxis=True)


  • Number of bathrooms and area-based features still important
  • ZIP codes for 19132 (Strawberry Mansion) and 19140 (North Philadelphia) most important

Why is feature engineering so important?

Garbage in, garbage out

  • What we're trying to do is build the best possible model for a particular thing we care about, e.g., housing price, bikeshare trips, etc
  • Our machine learning models try to translate from some set of input features to the thing we care about
  • You should think of the input features as having all of the same information as the predicted quantity — they are just a different representation

Takeway: If your input features are poorly designed (for example, completely unrelated to thing you want to predict), then no matter how good your machine learning model is or how well you "train" it, then the model will never be able to do the translation from features to predicted value.

Adding spatial features to the housing price model

  • Adding in ZIP code information captures a lot of the neighborhood-based amenity/disamenity properties
  • Can we explicitly add new features that also try to capture some of those features?

Yes, let's add distance-based features

Spatial amenity/disamenity features

The strategy

  • Get the data for a certain type of amenity, e.g., restaurants, bars, or disamenity, e.g., crimes
    • Data sources: 311 requests, crime incidents, Open Street Map
  • Use scikit learn's nearest neighbor algorithm to calculate the distance from each sale to its nearest neighbor in the amenity/disamenity datasets

Examples of new possible features...

Distance from each sale to:

  • Universities
  • Parks
  • City Hall
  • Subway Stops
  • New Construction Permits
  • Aggravated Assaults
  • Graffiti 311 Calls
  • Abandoned Vehicle 311 Calls

Step 1: Download the data from the CARTO database

We'll only pull data from 2019.

In [37]:
# the 311 table
table_name = "public_cases_fc"

# Peak at the first row of data
carto2gpd.get(carto_url, table_name, limit=1)
cartodb_id objectid service_request_id status status_notes service_name service_code agency_responsible service_notice requested_datetime updated_datetime expected_datetime address zipcode media_url lat lon
0 1 78 11348784 Closed Question Answered Information Request SR-IR01 Police Department None 2017-05-31T16:31:13Z 2017-05-31T16:31:24Z 2017-05-31T17:00:12Z None None None None None
In [38]:
# Select only those for grafitti and in 2019
where_2019 = "requested_datetime >= '01-01-2019' and requested_datetime < '01-01-2020'"
where_grafitti = "service_name = 'Graffiti Removal'"
where = f"{where_2019} and {where_grafitti}"
# Pull the subset we want
graffiti = carto2gpd.get(carto_url, table_name, where=where)
In [39]:
# Remove rows with missing geometries
graffiti = graffiti.loc[graffiti.geometry.notnull()]
In [40]:
In [41]:
geometry cartodb_id objectid service_request_id status status_notes service_name service_code agency_responsible service_notice requested_datetime updated_datetime expected_datetime address zipcode media_url lat lon
0 POINT (-75.12576 39.98329) 492450 6558188 12662643 Closed Other Graffiti Removal SR-CL01 Community Life Improvement Program 7 Business Days 2019-05-30T21:11:02Z 2019-06-03T08:34:25Z 2019-06-10T20:00:00Z 2501 FRANKFORD AVE None 39.983291 -75.125764
1 POINT (-75.09236 40.03179) 315614 6236532 12563575 Closed Repair Completed Graffiti Removal SR-CL01 Community Life Improvement Program 7 Business Days 2019-04-10T12:44:38Z 2019-04-15T08:30:46Z 2019-04-21T20:00:00Z 899 GRANITE ST None None 40.031791 -75.092360
2 POINT (-75.15174 39.93389) 331575 5943225 12472082 Closed Issue Resolved Graffiti Removal SR-CL01 Community Life Improvement Program 7 Business Days 2019-02-14T09:31:54Z 2019-02-19T08:30:28Z 2019-02-24T19:00:00Z 400 WASHINGTON AVE None 39.933889 -75.151736
3 POINT (-75.10640 39.98905) 457745 5718842 12396994 Closed Repair Completed Graffiti Removal SR-CL01 Community Life Improvement Program 7 Business Days 2019-01-02T07:31:14Z 2019-01-07T12:41:38Z 2019-01-10T19:00:00Z 2329 E ALLEGHENY AVE None None 39.989050 -75.106397
4 POINT (-75.10215 39.99327) 475062 7375441 12918913 Closed Issue Resolved Graffiti Removal SR-CL01 Community Life Improvement Program 7 Business Days 2019-10-04T11:42:45Z 2019-10-08T07:42:40Z 2019-10-15T20:00:00Z 3449 JANNEY ST None 39.993268 -75.102152

Step 2: Get the x/y coordinates of both datasets

We will need to:

  • We'll want distances in meters (rather than degrees), so we'll convert the CRS to EPSG=3857
  • Extract out the x/y coordinates of the geometry column of each dataset (sales and grafitti calls)
In [42]:
# Do the CRS conversion
sales_3857 = sales.to_crs(epsg=3857)
graffiti_3857 = graffiti.to_crs(epsg=3857)
In [43]:
def get_xy_from_geometry(df):
    Return a numpy array with two columns, where the 
    first holds the `x` geometry coordinate and the second 
    column holds the `y` geometry coordinate
    x = df.geometry.x
    y = df.geometry.y
    return np.column_stack((x, y)) # stack as columns
In [44]:
# Extract x/y for sales
salesXY = get_xy_from_geometry(sales_3857)

# Extract x/y for grafitti calls
graffitiXY = get_xy_from_geometry(graffiti_3857)
In [45]:
(18748, 2)
In [46]:
(16704, 2)

Step 3: Calculate the nearest neighbor distances

For this, we will use the $k$ nearest neighbors algorithm from scikit learn.

For each sale:

  • Find the $k$ nearest neighbors in the second dataset (graffiti calls, crimes, etc)
  • Calculate the average distance from the sale to those $k$ neighbors
In [47]:
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
In [48]:
# STEP 1: Initialize the algorithm
k = 5
nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k)

# STEP 2: Fit the algorithm on the "neighbors" dataset

# STEP 3: Get distances for sale to neighbors
grafDists, grafIndices = nbrs.kneighbors(salesXY) 

*Note: I am using k=5 here without any real justification. In practice, you would want to try a few different k values to try to identify the best value to use.

What did we just calculate?

  • grafDists: For each sale, the distances to the 5 nearest graffiti calls
    • This should have 5 columns and the same length as the sales dataset
  • grafIndices: For each sale, the index of each of the 5 neighbors in the original dataset
    • This allows you to access the original 311 graffiti data
In [49]:
print("length of sales = ", len(salesXY))
print("shape of grafDists = ", grafDists.shape)
print("shape of grafIndices = ", grafIndices.shape)
length of sales =  18748
shape of grafDists =  (18748, 5)
shape of grafIndices =  (18748, 5)
In [50]:
# The distances from the first sale to the 5 nearest neighbors
array([ 63.06999367,  80.52485949, 125.34776876, 164.90764118,

Can we reproduce these distances?

In [51]:
# The coordinates for the first sale
x0, y0 = salesXY[0]
x0, y0
(-8365497.20665795, 4855985.04901042)
In [52]:
# The indices for the 5 nearest graffiti calls
array([9344, 6312,  592, 1520, 1496])
In [53]:
# the graffiti neighbors
sale0_neighbors = graffitiXY[grafIndices[0]]
array([[-8365557.65314145,  4856003.05030855],
       [-8365555.31543214,  4856040.79507179],
       [-8365412.26988648,  4855892.86545449],
       [-8365551.75320844,  4856140.67421387],
       [-8365531.27042213,  4856149.23947774]])
In [54]:
# Access the first and second column for x/y values
neighbors_x = sale0_neighbors[:,0]
neighbors_y = sale0_neighbors[:,1]

# The x/y differences between neighbors and first sale coordinates
dx = (neighbors_x - x0)
dy = (neighbors_y - y0)

# The Euclidean dist
manual_dists = (dx**2 + dy**2) ** 0.5
In [55]:
array([ 63.06999367,  80.52485949, 125.34776876, 164.90764118,
In [56]:
array([ 63.06999367,  80.52485949, 125.34776876, 164.90764118,

Use the log of the average distance as the new feature

We'll average over the column axis: axis=1

In [57]:
# Average distance to neighbors
avgGrafDist = grafDists.mean(axis=1)

# Set zero distances to be small, but nonzero
avgGrafDist[avgGrafDist==0] = 1e-5

# Calculate log of distances
sales['logDistGraffiti'] = np.log10(avgGrafDist)
In [58]:
sale_price total_livable_area total_area garage_spaces fireplaces number_of_bathrooms number_of_bedrooms number_stories exterior_condition zip_code geometry logDistGraffiti
8627 340000.0 1266.0 1622.70 1.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 4 19147 POINT (-75.14854 39.93144) 2.080292
12658 397500.0 1436.0 739.68 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 2 19147 POINT (-75.14927 39.93033) 2.232137
7859 285000.0 868.0 546.00 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 2 19147 POINT (-75.14876 39.93011) 2.202199
15132 277500.0 890.0 683.70 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 3 19147 POINT (-75.14852 39.92954) 2.092351
9012 453610.0 1320.0 896.00 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2 19147 POINT (-75.14871 39.92962) 2.076465

Let's plot a hex map of the new feature!

In [59]:
# Load the City Limits to plot too
import esri2gpd

# From OpenDataPhilly's page
url = ""
city_limits = esri2gpd.get(url).to_crs(epsg=3857)
In [60]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10), facecolor=plt.get_cmap("viridis")(0))

# Plot the log of the Graffiti distance
x = salesXY[:, 0]
y = salesXY[:, 1]
ax.hexbin(x, y, C=sales["logDistGraffiti"].values, gridsize=60)

# Plot the city limits
city_limits.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="white", linewidth=4)


Example #2: Subway stops

Use the osmnx package to get subway stops in Philly — we can use the ox.geometries_from_polygon() function.

  • To select subway stations, we can use station=subway: see the OSM Wikipedia
  • See Lecture 9A for a reminder on osmnx!
In [61]:
import osmnx as ox
In [62]:
# Get the geometry from the city limits
city_limits_outline = city_limits.to_crs(epsg=4326).squeeze().geometry

In [63]:
# Get the subway stops within the city limits
subway = ox.geometries_from_polygon(city_limits_outline, tags={"station": "subway"})

# Convert to 3857 (meters)
subway = subway.to_crs(epsg=3857)

addr:city name network operator platforms public_transport railway station subway wheelchair wikidata wikipedia geometry addr:postcode operator_1 addr:housenumber addr:street railway:position internet_access old_name addr:state short_name elevator tram
element_type osmid
node 469917297 Philadelphia 15th-16th & Locust PATCO PATCO 1 station station subway yes yes Q4551078 en:15–16th & Locust (PATCO station) POINT (-8367552.610 4858465.747) NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
469917298 Philadelphia 9th-10th & Locust PATCO PATCO 1 station station subway yes yes Q4646737 en:9–10th & Locust (PATCO station) POINT (-8366424.042 4858281.683) NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
471026103 Philadelphia 12th-13th & Locust PATCO PATCO 1 station station subway yes no Q4548965 en:12–13th & Locust (PATCO station) POINT (-8366949.703 4858366.817) 19107 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
650938316 NaN 63rd Street SEPTA SEPTA NaN station station subway yes NaN NaN NaN POINT (-8376424.717 4860524.238) NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
650959043 NaN 56th Street SEPTA SEPTA NaN station station subway yes NaN Q4640769 NaN POINT (-8374883.844 4860274.795) NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
In [64]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6))

# Plot the subway locations
subway.plot(ax=ax, markersize=10, color='crimson')

# City limits, too
city_limits.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', linewidth=4)


The stops on the Market-Frankford and Broad St. subway lines!

Now, get the distances to the nearest subway stop

We'll use $k=1$ to get the distance to the nearest stop.

In [65]:
# STEP 1: x/y coordinates of subway stops (in EPGS=3857)
subwayXY = get_xy_from_geometry(subway.to_crs(epsg=3857))

# STEP 2: Initialize the algorithm
nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1)

# STEP 3: Fit the algorithm on the "neighbors" dataset

# STEP 4: Get distances for sale to neighbors
subwayDists, subwayIndices = nbrs.kneighbors(salesXY)

# STEP 5: add back to the original dataset
sales["logDistSubway"] = np.log10(subwayDists.mean(axis=1))

Let's plot a hex map again!

In [66]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10), facecolor=plt.get_cmap('viridis')(0))

# Plot the log of the subway distance
x = salesXY[:,0]
y = salesXY[:,1]
ax.hexbin(x, y, C=sales['logDistSubway'].values, gridsize=60)

# Plot the city limits
city_limits.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='none', edgecolor='white', linewidth=4)


Looks like it worked!

What about correlations?

Let's have a look at the correlations of numerical columns:

In [67]:
import seaborn as sns
In [68]:
cols = [
    "logDistGraffiti", # NEW
    "logDistSubway",  # NEW
sns.heatmap(sales[cols].corr(), cmap='coolwarm', annot=True, vmin=-1, vmax=1);

Now, let's re-run our model...did it help?

In [69]:
# Numerical columns
num_cols = [
    "logDistGraffiti", # NEW
    "logDistSubway" # NEW

# Categorical columns
cat_cols = ["exterior_condition", "zip_code"]
In [70]:
# Set up the column transformer with two transformers
transformer = ColumnTransformer(
        ("num", StandardScaler(), num_cols),
        ("cat", OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown="ignore"), cat_cols),
In [71]:
# Initialize the pipeline
# NOTE: only use 20 estimators here so it will run in a reasonable time
pipe = make_pipeline(
    transformer, RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=20, random_state=42)
In [72]:
# Split the data 70/30
train_set, test_set = train_test_split(sales, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

# the target labels
y_train = np.log(train_set["sale_price"])
y_test = np.log(test_set["sale_price"])
In [73]:
# Fit the training set
# REMINDER: use the training dataframe objects here rather than numpy array, y_train);
In [74]:
# What's the test score?
# REMINDER: use the test dataframe rather than numpy array
pipe.score(test_set, y_test)

A small improvement!

$R^2$ of ~0.58 improved to $R^2$ of ~0.62

How about the top 30 feature importances now?

In [75]:
def plot_feature_importances(pipeline, num_cols, transformer, top=20, **kwargs):
    Utility function to plot the feature importances from the input
    random forest regressor.

    pipeline :
        the pipeline object
    num_cols :
        list of the numerical columns
    transformer :
        the transformer preprocessing step
    top : optional
        the number of importances to plot
    **kwargs : optional
        extra keywords passed to the hvplot function
    # The one-hot step
    ohe = transformer.named_transformers_["cat"]

    # One column for each category type!
    ohe_cols = ohe.get_feature_names()

    # Full list of columns is numerical + one-hot
    features = num_cols + list(ohe_cols)

    # The regressor
    regressor = pipeline["randomforestregressor"]

    # Create the dataframe with importances
    importance = pd.DataFrame(
        {"Feature": features, "Importance": regressor.feature_importances_}

    # Sort importance in descending order and get the top
    importance = importance.sort_values("Importance", ascending=False).iloc[:top]

    # Plot
    return importance.hvplot.barh(
        x="Feature", y="Importance", flip_yaxis=True, **kwargs
In [76]:
plot_feature_importances(pipe, num_cols, transformer, top=30, height=500)

Both new spatial features are in the top 5 in terms of importance!

Exercise: How about other spatial features?

  • I've listed out several other types of potential sources of new distance-based features from OpenDataPhilly
  • Choose a few and add new features
  • Re-fit the model and evalute the performance on the test set and feature importances

Modify the get_xy_from_geometry() function to use the "centroid" of the geometry column.

Note: you can take the centroid of a Point() or Polygon() object. For a Point(), you just get the x/y coordinates back.

In [77]:
def get_xy_from_geometry(df):
    Return a numpy array with two columns, where the 
    first holds the `x` geometry coordinate and the second 
    column holds the `y` geometry coordinate
    # NEW: use the centroid.x and centroid.y to support Polygon() and Point() geometries 
    x = df.geometry.centroid.x
    y = df.geometry.centroid.y
    return np.column_stack((x, y)) # stack as columns


New feature: Distance to the nearest university/college

In [ ]:

Example 2: Parks

New feature: Distance to the nearest park centroid


  • The park geometries are polygons, so you'll need to get the x and y coordinates of the park centroids and calculate the distance to these centroids.
  • You can use the geometry.centroid.x and geometry.centroid.y values to access these coordinates.
In [ ]:

City Hall

New feature: Distance to City Hall.


  • To identify City Hall, you'll need to pull data where "NAME='City Hall'" and "FEAT_TYPE='Municipal Building'"
  • As with the parks, the geometry will be a polygon, so you should calculate the distance to the centroid of the City Hall polygon
In [ ]:

New Construction Permits

New feature: Distance to the 5 nearest new construction permits from 2019


  • You can pull new construction permits only by selecting where permitdescription equals 'NEW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT'
  • You can select permits from only 2019 using the permitissuedate column
In [ ]:

Aggravated Assaults

New feature: Distance to the 5 nearest aggravated assaults in 2019


  • You can pull aggravated assaults only by selecting where Text_General_Code equals 'Aggravated Assault No Firearm' or 'Aggravated Assault Firearm'
  • You can select crimes from only 2019 using the dispatch_date column
In [ ]:

Abandonded Vehicle 311 Calls

New feature: Distance to the 5 nearest abandoned vehicle 311 calls in 2019


  • You can pull abandonded vehicle calls only by selecting where service_name equals 'Abandoned Vehicle'
  • You can select crimes from only 2019 using the requested_datetime column
In [ ]:
In [ ]: