In [1]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import hvplot.pandas

In [2]:
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10,6)

Week 11B: Supervised Learning with Scikit-Learn

Nov 17, 2021

The plan for today

  • Wrap up our money vs. happiness example
  • Introduce decision trees and random forests
  • Case study: Modeling housing prices in Philadelphia

Supervised learning with scikit-learn

Example: does money make people happier?

We'll load data compiled from two data sources:

In [3]:
# Load the data 
data = pd.read_csv("./data/gdp_vs_satisfaction.csv")
Country life_satisfaction gdp_per_capita
0 Australia 7.3 50961.87
1 Austria 7.1 43724.03
2 Belgium 6.9 40106.63
3 Brazil 6.4 8670.00
4 Canada 7.4 43331.96
In [4]:
# Linear models
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge

# Model selection
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Pipelines
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline

# Preprocessing
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures

First step: set up the test/train split of input data:

In [5]:
# Do a 70/30 train/test split
train_set, test_set = train_test_split(data, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

# Features
X_train = train_set['gdp_per_capita'].values
X_train = X_train[:, np.newaxis]

X_test = test_set['gdp_per_capita'].values
X_test = X_test[:, np.newaxis]

# Labels
y_train = train_set['life_satisfaction'].values
y_test = test_set['life_satisfaction'].values

Where we left off: overfitting

As we increase the polynomial degree (add more and more polynomial features) two things happen:

  1. Training accuracy goes way up
  2. Test accuracy goes way down

This is the classic case of overfitting — our model does not generalize well at all.

Regularization to the rescue?

  • The Ridge adds regularization to the linear regression least squares model
  • Parameter $\alpha$ determines the level of regularization
  • Larger values of $\alpha$ mean stronger regularization — results in a "simpler" bestfit

Remember, regularization penalizes large parameter values and complex fits

Let's gain some intuition:

  • Fix the polynomial degree to 3
  • Try out alpha values of 0, 10, 100, and $10^5$
  • Compare to linear fit (no polynomial features)


  • Baseline: linear model
    • This uses LinearModel and scales input features with StandardScaler
  • Ridge regression: try multiple regularization strength values
    • Use a pipeline object to apply both a StandardScaler and PolynomialFeatures(degree=3) pre-processing to features

Set up a grid of GDP per capita points to make predictions for:

In [6]:
# The values we want to predict (ranging from our min to max GDP per capita)
gdp_pred = np.linspace(1e3, 1.1e5, 100)

# Sklearn needs the second axis!
X_pred = gdp_pred[:, np.newaxis]
In [7]:
# Create a pre-processing pipeline
# This scales and adds polynomial features up to degree = 3
pipe = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), PolynomialFeatures(degree=3))

# BASELINE: Setup and fit a linear model (with scaled features)
linear = LinearRegression()
scaler = StandardScaler(), y_train)


    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))

    ## Plot the data
        data["gdp_per_capita"] / 1e5,

    ## Evaluate the linear fit
    print("Linear fit")
    training_score = linear.score(scaler.fit_transform(X_train), y_train)
    print(f"Training Score = {training_score}")

    test_score = linear.score(scaler.fit_transform(X_test), y_test)
    print(f"Test Score = {test_score}")

    ## Plot the linear fit
        X_pred / 1e5,
        label="Linear fit",

    ## Ridge regression: linear model with regularization 
    # Plot the predicted values for each alpha
    for alpha in [0, 10, 100, 1e5]:
        print(f"alpha = {alpha}")

        # Create out Ridge model with this alpha
        ridge = Ridge(alpha=alpha)

        # Fit the model on the training set
        # NOTE: Use the pipeline that includes polynomial features, y_train)

        # Evaluate on the training set
        training_score = ridge.score(pipe.fit_transform(X_train), y_train)
        print(f"Training Score = {training_score}")

        # Evaluate on the test set
        test_score = ridge.score(pipe.fit_transform(X_test), y_test)
        print(f"Test Score = {test_score}")

        # Plot the ridge results
        y_pred = ridge.predict(pipe.fit_transform(X_pred))
        ax.plot(X_pred / 1e5, y_pred, label=f"alpha = {alpha}")


    # Plot formatting
    ax.legend(ncol=2, loc=0)
    ax.set_ylim(4, 8)
    ax.set_xlabel("GDP Per Capita ($\\times$ $10^5$)")
    ax.set_ylabel("Life Satisfaction")
Linear fit
Training Score = 0.4638100579740341
Test Score = 0.3595958514715957

alpha = 0
Training Score = 0.6458898101593085
Test Score = 0.5597457659851046

alpha = 10
Training Score = 0.5120282691427858
Test Score = 0.3833564210378835

alpha = 100
Training Score = 0.1815398751108913
Test Score = -0.05242399995626967

alpha = 100000.0
Training Score = 0.0020235571180508005
Test Score = -0.26129559971586125


  • As we increase alpha, the fits become "simpler" and coefficients get closer and closer to zero — a straight line!
  • When alpha = 0 (no regularization), we get the same result as when we ran LinearRegression() with the polynomial features
  • In this case, regularization doesn't improve the fit, and the base polynomial regression (degree=3) provides the best fit

Recap: what we learned so far

  • The LinearRegression model
  • The test/train split and evaluation
  • Feature engineering: scaling and creating polynomial features
  • The Ridge model and regularization
  • Creating Pipeline() objects

How can we improve?

More feature engineering!

In this case, I've done the hard work for you and pulled additional country properties from the OECD's website.

In [8]:
data2 = pd.read_csv("./data/gdp_vs_satisfaction_more_features.csv")
In [9]:
Country life_satisfaction GDP per capita Air pollution Employment rate Feeling safe walking alone at night Homicide rate Life expectancy Quality of support network Voter turnout Water quality
0 Australia 7.3 50961.87 5.0 73.0 63.5 1.1 82.5 95.0 91.0 93.0
1 Austria 7.1 43724.03 16.0 72.0 80.6 0.5 81.7 92.0 80.0 92.0
2 Belgium 6.9 40106.63 15.0 63.0 70.1 1.0 81.5 91.0 89.0 84.0
3 Brazil 6.4 8670.00 10.0 61.0 35.6 26.7 74.8 90.0 79.0 73.0
4 Canada 7.4 43331.96 7.0 73.0 82.2 1.3 81.9 93.0 68.0 91.0

Decision trees: a more sophisticated modeling algorithm

We'll move beyond simple linear regression and see if we can get a better fit.

A decision tree learns decision rules from the input features:

A decision tree classifier for the Iris data set

More info on the iris data set

Regression with decision trees is similar

For a specific corner of the input feature space, the decision tree predicts an output target value

Decision trees suffer from overfitting

Decision trees can be very deep with many nodes — this will lead to overfitting your dataset!

Random forests: an ensemble solution to overfitting

  • Introduces randomization into the fitting process to avoid overfitting
  • Fits multiple decision trees on random subsets of the input data
  • Avoids overfitting and leads to better overall fits

This is an example of ensemble learning: combining multiple estimators to achieve better overall accuracy than any one model could achieve

In [10]:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

Let's split our data into training and test sets again:

In [11]:
# Split the data 70/30
train_set, test_set = train_test_split(data2, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

# the target labels
y_train = train_set["life_satisfaction"].values
y_test = test_set["life_satisfaction"].values

# The features
feature_cols = [col for col in data2.columns if col not in ["life_satisfaction", "Country"]]
X_train = train_set[feature_cols].values
X_test = test_set[feature_cols].values

Let's check for correlations in our input data

  • Highly correlated input variables can skew the model fits and lead to worse accuracy
  • Best to remove features with high correlations (rule of thumb: coefficients > 0.7 or 0.8, typically)
In [12]:
import seaborn as sns
In [13]:

Let's do some fitting...

New: Pipelines support models as the last step!

  • Very useful for setting up reproducible machine learning analyses!
  • The Pipeline behaves just like a model, but it runs the transformations beforehand
  • Simplifies the analysis: now we can just call the .fit() function of the pipeline instead of the model

Establish a baseline with a linear model:

In [14]:
# Linear model pipeline with two steps
linear_pipe = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), LinearRegression())

# Fit the pipeline
# NEW: This applies all of the transformations, and then fits the model
print("Linear regression"), y_train)

# NEW: Print the training score
training_score = linear_pipe.score(X_train, y_train)
print(f"Training Score = {training_score}")

# NEW: Print the test score
test_score = linear_pipe.score(X_test, y_test)
print(f"Test Score = {test_score}")
Linear regression
Training Score = 0.7553332657461678
Test Score = 0.647886559044683

Now fit a random forest:

In [15]:
# Random forest model pipeline with two steps
forest_pipe = make_pipeline(
    StandardScaler(), RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, max_depth=2, random_state=42)

# Fit a random forest
print("Random forest"), y_train)

# Print the training score
training_score = forest_pipe.score(X_train, y_train)
print(f"Training Score = {training_score}")

# Print the test score
test_score = forest_pipe.score(X_test, y_test)
print(f"Test Score = {test_score}")
Random forest
Training Score = 0.8460559576380231
Test Score = 0.862756366860489

Which variables matter the most?

Because random forests are an ensemble method with multiple estimators, the algorithm can learn which features help improve the fit the most.

  • The feature importances are stored as the feature_importances_ attribute
  • Only available after calling fit()!
In [16]:
# What are the named steps?
{'standardscaler': StandardScaler(),
 'randomforestregressor': RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=2, random_state=42)}
In [17]:
# Get the forest model
forest_model = forest_pipe['randomforestregressor']
In [18]:
array([0.67746013, 0.0038663 , 0.13108609, 0.06579352, 0.00985913,
       0.01767323, 0.02635605, 0.00601776, 0.06188779])
In [19]:
# Make the dataframe
importance = pd.DataFrame(
    {"Feature": feature_cols, "Importance": forest_model.feature_importances_}
In [20]:
Feature Importance
1 Air pollution 0.003866
7 Voter turnout 0.006018
4 Homicide rate 0.009859
5 Life expectancy 0.017673
6 Quality of support network 0.026356
8 Water quality 0.061888
3 Feeling safe walking alone at night 0.065794
2 Employment rate 0.131086
0 GDP per capita 0.677460
In [23]:
# Plot
    x="Feature", y="Importance", title="Does Money Make You Happier?"

Let's improve our fitting with k-fold cross validation

  1. Break the data into a training set and test set
  2. Split the training set into k subsets (or folds), holding out one subset as the test set
  3. Run the learning algorithm on each combination of subsets, using the average of all of the runs to find the best fitting model parameters

For more information, see the scikit-learn docs

The cross_val_score() function will automatically partition the training set into k folds, fit the model to the subset, and return the scores for each partition.

It takes a Pipeline object, the training features, and the training labels as arguments

In [24]:
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
In [25]:

Let's do 3-fold cross validation

In [26]:
# Make a linear pipeline
linear_pipe = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), LinearRegression())

# Run the 3-fold cross validation
scores = cross_val_score(

# Report
print("R^2 scores = ", scores)
print("Scores mean = ", scores.mean())
print("Score std dev = ", scores.std())
R^2 scores =  [ 0.02064625 -0.84773581 -0.53652985]
Scores mean =  -0.4545398042994612
Score std dev =  0.35922474493059214
In [27]:
Object `score` not found.
In [ ]:
In [28]:
<bound method RegressorMixin.score of RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=2, random_state=42)>
In [29]:
<bound method RegressorMixin.score of RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=2, random_state=42)>
In [30]:
<bound method RegressorMixin.score of RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=2, random_state=42)>
In [31]:
model = forest_pipe['randomforestregressor']
In [32]:
In [33]:
# Make a random forest pipeline
forest_pipe = make_pipeline(
    StandardScaler(), RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, random_state=42)

# Run the 3-fold cross validation
scores = cross_val_score(

# Report
print("R^2 scores = ", scores)
print("Scores mean = ", scores.mean())
print("Score std dev = ", scores.std())
R^2 scores =  [0.51950656 0.78033403 0.66526384]
Scores mean =  0.655034812029183
Score std dev =  0.10672774411781198

Takeaway: the random forest model is clearly more accurate

Question: why did I choose to use 100 estimators in the RF model?

  • In this case, I didn't have a good reason
  • n_estimators is a model hyperparameter
  • In practice, it's best to optimize the hyperparameters and the model parameters (via the fit() method)

This is when cross validation becomes very important

  • Optimizing hyperparameters with a single train/test split means you are really optimizing based on your test set.
  • If you use cross validation, a final test set will always be held in reserve to do a final evaluation.

Enter GridSearchCV

A utility function that will:

  • Iterate over a grid of hyperparameters
  • Perform k-fold cross validation
  • Return the parameter combination with the best overall score

More info

In [34]:
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV

Let's do a search over the n_estimators parameter and the max_depth parameter:

In [35]:
# Create our regression pipeline
pipe = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), RandomForestRegressor(random_state=42))
Pipeline(steps=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler()),

Make the grid of parameters to search

  • NOTE: you must prepend the name of the pipeline step
  • The syntax for parameter names is:

"[step name]__[parameter name]"

In [36]:
model_step = "randomforestregressor"
param_grid = {
    f"{model_step}__n_estimators": [5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200],
    f"{model_step}__max_depth": [2, 5, 7, 9, 13, 21, 33, 51],

{'randomforestregressor__n_estimators': [5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200],
 'randomforestregressor__max_depth': [2, 5, 7, 9, 13, 21, 33, 51]}
In [37]:
# Create the grid and use 3-fold CV
grid = GridSearchCV(pipe, param_grid, cv=3)

# Run the search, y_train)
             estimator=Pipeline(steps=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler()),
             param_grid={'randomforestregressor__max_depth': [2, 5, 7, 9, 13,
                                                              21, 33, 51],
                         'randomforestregressor__n_estimators': [5, 10, 15, 20,
                                                                 30, 50, 100,
In [38]:
# The best estimator
Pipeline(steps=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler()),
                 RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=7, random_state=42))])
In [39]:
# The best hyper parameters
{'randomforestregressor__max_depth': 7,
 'randomforestregressor__n_estimators': 100}

Now let's evaluate!

We'll define a helper utility function to calculate the accuracy in terms of the mean absolute percent error

In [40]:
def evaluate(model, X_test, y_test):
    Given a model and test features/targets, print out the 
    mean absolute error and accuracy
    # Make the predictions
    predictions = model.predict(X_test)

    # Absolute error
    errors = abs(predictions - y_test)
    avg_error = np.mean(errors)

    # Mean absolute percentage error
    mape = 100 * np.mean(errors / y_test)

    # Accuracy
    accuracy = 100 - mape

    print("Model Performance")
    print(f"Average Absolute Error: {avg_error:0.4f}")
    print(f"Accuracy = {accuracy:0.2f}%.")

    return accuracy

Linear model results

In [41]:
# Setup the pipeline
linear = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), LinearRegression())

# Fit on train set, y_train)

# Evaluate on test set
evaluate(linear, X_test, y_test)
Model Performance
Average Absolute Error: 0.3281
Accuracy = 94.93%.

Random forest results with default parameters

In [42]:
# Initialize the pipeline
base_model = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), RandomForestRegressor(random_state=42))

# Fit the training set, y_train)

# Evaluate on the test set
base_accuracy = evaluate(base_model, X_test, y_test)
Model Performance
Average Absolute Error: 0.2291
Accuracy = 96.47%.

The random forest model with the optimal hyperparameters

Small improvement!

In [43]:
# Evaluate the best random forest model
best_random = grid.best_estimator_
random_accuracy = evaluate(best_random, X_test, y_test)

# What's the improvement?
improvement = 100 * (random_accuracy - base_accuracy) / base_accuracy
print(f'Improvement of {improvement:0.4f}%.')
Model Performance
Average Absolute Error: 0.2288
Accuracy = 96.47%.
Improvement of 0.0025%.


  • Decision trees and random forests
  • Cross validation with cross_val_score
  • Optimizing hyperparameters with GridSearchCV
  • Feature importances from random forests

Part 2: Modeling residential sales in Philadelphia

In this part, we'll use a random forest model and housing data from the Office of Property Assessment to predict residential sale prices in Philadelphia

Machine learning models are increasingly common in the real estate industry

The hedonic approach to housing prices

  • An econometric approach
  • Deconstruct housing price to the value of each of its parts
  • Captures the "price premium" consumers are willing to pay for an extra bedroom or garage

What contributes to the price of a house?

  • Property characteristics, e.g, size of the lot and the number of bedrooms
  • Neighborhood features based on amenities or disamenities, e.g., access to transit or exposure to crime
  • Spatial component that captures the tendency of housing prices to depend on the prices of neighboring homes

Note: We'll focus on the first two components in this analysis (and in assignment #7)

Why are these kinds of models important?

  • They are used widely by cities to perform property assessment valuation
    • Train a model on recent residential sales
    • Apply the model to the entire residential housing stock to produce assessments
  • Biases in the algorithmic models have important consequences for city residents

Too often, these models perpetuate inequality: low-value homes are over-assessed and high-value homes are under-assessed

Data from the Office of Property Assessment

Let's download data for properties in Philadelphia that had their last sale during 2019.


In [44]:
import carto2gpd
In [45]:
# the CARTO API url
carto_url = ""

# The table name
table_name = "opa_properties_public"

# Only pull 2019 sales for single family residential properties
where = "sale_date >= '2019-01-01' and sale_date < '2020-01-01' and category_code_description = 'Single Family'"

# Run the query
salesRaw = carto2gpd.get(carto_url, table_name, where=where)
In [46]:
geometry cartodb_id assessment_date basements beginning_point book_and_page building_code building_code_description category_code category_code_description ... unit utility view_type year_built year_built_estimate zip_code zoning pwd_parcel_id pin objectid
0 POINT (-75.14368 39.95277) 1459 None None None 3530281 590 RES CONDO 5+ STY MASONRY 1 Single Family ... 3D1 None I 2006 Y 19106 CMX3 None 1001099633 26747709
1 POINT (-75.14368 39.95277) 1499 None None None 3530426 570 RES CONDO 4 STY MASONRY 1 Single Family ... A1 None I 2006 Y 19106 CMX3 None 1001099741 26747634
2 POINT (-75.15706 39.94570) 1622 None None None 3584346 570 RES CONDO 4 STY MASONRY 1 Single Family ... 1 None I 1870 Y 19107 RM1 None 1001495819 26747792
3 POINT (-75.12452 39.99359) 4851 None None 100' N CAMBRIA ST 3536584 O30 ROW 2 STY MASONRY 1 Single Family ... None None I 1930 Y 19134 RSA5 None 1001468897 26752058
4 POINT (-75.15231 39.94590) 5888 None None None 3597520 590 RES CONDO 5+ STY MASONRY 1 Single Family ... 2017 None I 1973 Y 19106 RMX3 None 1001553933 26753541

5 rows × 79 columns

In [47]:

The OPA is messy

Lots of missing data.

We can use the missingno package to visualize the missing data easily.

In [48]:
import missingno as msno
In [49]:
# We'll visualize the first half of columns
# and then the second half
ncol = len(salesRaw.columns)

fields1 = salesRaw.columns[:ncol//2]
fields2 = salesRaw.columns[ncol//2:]
In [50]:
# The first half of columns[fields1]);
In [51]:
# The second half of columns[fields2]);
In [52]:
# The feature columns we want to use
cols = [

# Trim to these columns and remove NaNs
sales = salesRaw[cols].dropna()

# Trim zip code to only the first five digits
sales['zip_code'] = sales['zip_code'].astype(str).str.slice(0, 5)
In [53]:
# Trim very low and very high sales
valid = (sales['sale_price'] > 3000) & (sales['sale_price'] < 1e6)
sales = sales.loc[valid]
In [54]:

Let's focus on numerical features only first

In [55]:
# Split the data 70/30
train_set, test_set = train_test_split(sales, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

# the target labels: log of sale price
y_train = np.log(train_set["sale_price"])
y_test = np.log(test_set["sale_price"])

# The features
feature_cols = [
X_train = train_set[feature_cols].values
X_test = test_set[feature_cols].values
In [56]:
# Make a random forest pipeline
forest = make_pipeline(
    StandardScaler(), RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, random_state=42)

# Run the 10-fold cross validation
scores = cross_val_score(

# Report
print("R^2 scores = ", scores)
print("Scores mean = ", scores.mean())
print("Score std dev = ", scores.std())
R^2 scores =  [0.34996394 0.25083697 0.33091547 0.31962958 0.29996041 0.31076306
 0.30812836 0.31379612 0.26855678 0.33484882]
Scores mean =  0.3087399500171242
Score std dev =  0.02840067302844511
In [57]:
# Fit on the training data, y_train)

# What's the test score?
forest.score(X_test, y_test)

Test score slightly better

Model appears to generalize reasonably well!

Note: we should also be optimizing hyperparameters to see if we can find additional improvements!

Which variables were most important?

In [58]:
# Extract the regressor from the pipeline
regressor = forest["randomforestregressor"]
In [59]:
# Create the data frame of importances
importance = pd.DataFrame(
    {"Feature": feature_cols, "Importance": regressor.feature_importances_}
importance.hvplot.barh(x="Feature", y="Importance")

More next lecture...

That's it!

  • Assignment #6 due week from today (11/24)
  • Next week: more predictive modeling with scikit-learn looking at bikeshare data
  • Last two weeks: transitioning to the web with web-based visualization
In [ ]: